facility with a population of 98,757. Uranus has an orbiting habitat and research rings of Saturn. structure is governed by the satellites in the same ways as the magnetosphere. Uranus has at least 9 thin, dim rings, whose creating strange seasonal effects and an unusual as well as the orbital plane of its satellites, is tilted 98°, gaseous light element above the core. The spin axis of Uranus, highly differentiated, with a solid core and layers of liquid and that it has a banded atmosphere and an internal structure that is 2,880 million km. Uranus is similar to the outer giant planets in The planet 7th in distance from the sun at a mean distance of (0.218 Earth's Density) 1.2 g/cc (4.05 Earth's Diameter) 51,670 km (14.54 Earth's Mass) 8.69 E 28 grams 0.0472 2,875,292,780 km 0.89 Earth's Gravity 52 K 84.01 years and Titans. and father of the Cyclopes Son and consort of Gaea personification of the sky. The earliest supreme god, a